Helping Wounded Veterans Move On

You served. You were wounded. Now you want to move to the next challenge.

We want to help.

Websites for Wounded Warriors by Caring Veterans

The Wounded Warrior Websites project is the idea of US Army Veteran Donald Raleigh (1984-1992). The concept is simple: to help our fellow veterans as they start to build out their own small business. 

The process is also simple:

  • Submit your business concept, your plan, and your DD-214 and our team will evaluate your request and help determine the type of site you need. This can be a straight forward content based site (like this one) or an e-commerce platform.

Here is the pitch:

We want to provide a free CMS (Content Management System) or starter e-commerce site (Up to 10 products) to those who served and were combat  wounded.

To qualify for this free site:

We ask that you fill out the page How To Qualify. Once you do that your request will be entered into our system and one of our technicians will contact you to "fill in the blanks".

We launched this site on 11 November 2013 in conjunction with Veterans Day.

God bless America, and God bless our veterans, especially those who bled in combat.